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About Us

Hi Folks! Welcome to our site. In 1947, at age 11, I started helping my uncle on his farm using Ford tractors and Dearborn equipment. That provided me with plenty of experience and a good working knowledge of Ford tractors and equipment. I now reside on my own 126 acre farm in Latrobe, PA with my wife, Brenda. We live near the famous golfer, Arnold Palmer, who featured his vintage tractor in several television commercials. Our other claim to fame is that we live in "Mr. Rogers neighborhood".


I pride myself on never having drawn a paycheck for employment from any employer. In 2001, I turned the reins of our family business over to my 3 sons, who have worked with me since they were youngsters. These businesses included Bradish Glass, Inc. (formerly Keystone Cullet Co.), Keystone Tire Co., Heidi Fuel Co., and G.M. Bradish Riverport. Brenda and I operate GMB Sales, established in 1967, as George Bradish Tractor Parts for our own farm tractor and equipment business. We sold our herd of Polled Herefords and I am busy converting our cattle barn to resemble a Ford tractor dealership showroom from the 1950 era, which houses our tractor parts and equipment business. I also reproduce some tractor and implement parts that are no longer available from the original manufacturers. In my spare time, I also sell PVC fencing and porch railing to local farmers and residents.

Bradish Family Farm - George and Brenda Bradish and their working Border Collie, Tess.

George still farms with his Ford 861.

To date, I have collected several autos, trucks, tractors, and farm implements. I also collect Gulf oil service station memorabilia, farm primitives, tractor, truck, agricultural implements, and automobile literature, plus old post cards, toys, and other collectibles.

Our farm would not be complete without some livestock and we still raise a flock of Shropshire sheep. This is one of Brenda's projects and she now prefers the help of her Border Collie, Tess, rather than me. She says the dog listens better! A young Penn State graduate leases our pastures for grazing his herd of Polled Herefords and recently converted our hay fields into pasture. We also grow corn and soybeans. I find farming, in spite of its hardships and disappointments, the most honest way a man can spend his days on earth.

I serve as a Director on the Westmoreland County Cattlemen Association and remain active in several other automobile, truck, and tractor organizations. Traveling is high on my "to do" list and Brenda and I try to attend as many shows as possible for antique trucks and farm equipment including ones in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia, Indiana, Michigan, and other states.

Farming continues to be a big part of our daily activities. We try to be available when you call but, if we are tending to chores or vending at a tractor show, we hope you will leave us a message so that we can return your call as soon as possible.

Featured Items
Part Number: D1020
Ford loader Model 745, control lever instruction decal. Used on several other models. 2-1/4"x 2-1/4"
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Price: $12.00 EACH
Parts Diagram
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Items Wanted
Automatic Lockout Assembly Model 10-31 used with model 10-14 two way plows. Example
Semi-trailer to carry 4 cars from the 1940's, similar to the ones in the photos. Example 1, Example 2
Disc Terracer Model LD-051. Example
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